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Earth Fire (The Cross-Worlds Coven Series Book 2)


  Book Two of the

  Cross-Worlds Coven Series

  Phil Stern

  Earth Fire

  Copyright © 2013 by Phil Stern

  All Rights Reserved.

  Third Edition

  May 2015

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are entirely the product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents














  SOOTHING WINDS RIPPLED across both the forest below and the village beyond, the sun’s radiant might of a few hours before having faded into the gentle warmth of a late summer evening.

  A young woman, dressed in tight jeans, tall black boots, and a soft white shirt, stood on the wooded mountain crest. As with all her kind, a rich, green stone centered on a silver pendant hung from a slim necklace. Wind coursing through her long, dark hair, the sorceress thoughtfully studied the natural panorama spread out below. With difficulty, she resisted a sudden urge to devour the valley’s splendor, flinging herself from the mountaintop to majestically soar out over the countryside.

  But that, of course, would attract all the wrong kinds of attention. Smiling to herself, Tiffany Smith turned and walked back into the heavy tree cover, her earth stone pulsing gently in the gathering darkness.

  Caylee, eighteen years old and on her very first mission outside the Coven’s home dimension, nervously held the reins of their three horses. “How does it look?” she hesitantly asked, both hands leaping up to her own earth stone at the sound of a jumping squirrel.

  “Relax,” Tiffany urged, quickly grabbing the dropped reins. “It looks like a Tethren village getting settled for the evening. Nobody knows we’re here.”

  “Indeed.” With a strong, vigorous stride, a third young witch walked out of the deeper woods. Dressed as both Tiffany and Caylee, the newcomer had slightly wavy, strawberry blonde hair. With a vaguely indifferent air, she nodded at the valley down below. “I only saw one patrol, and they’ve already retired to the tavern.”

  “Good.” Tiffany waited a moment to catch Keri’s eye. “I’m going into the village by myself. I want both of you to wait for me on the beach with the horses. When I bring her out, we’ll all just make a run for the Boundary.”

  “You’re doing this alone?” Frowning, Keri crossed her arms. A few inches shorter than Tiffany, the 22-year-old confidently matched the senior sorceress’ gaze. “Wouldn’t it make more sense for the two of us to go in, and leave Caylee on the beach? What if there’s trouble?”

  Sighing, Tiffany studied her Coven-mate. As with all of her sisters, Keri was in perfect physical shape, her long, slim form nearly bursting with barely suppressed energy. An extremely skilled magician, she was as gifted as anyone when it came to wielding the underlying, natural force of the universe.

  But there were deeper, more subtle qualities that now defined the ideal Coven operative. Thus, Tiffany’s presence on the windswept Tethren hilltop. Though clearly possessing both courage and talent, Keri had recently given the Coven Council good reason to doubt her temperament.

  “Trouble?” Tiffany softly repeated. “You mean, like the trouble you ran into in Yarlee?”

  Her face instantly darkening, Keri fought to retain her composure. “Tiffany, I’ve told the Council, and I’ll tell you. The fire wasn’t my fault!”

  Still holding the horses, Caylee pointedly studied a log.

  “Not your fault?” Tiffany rolled her eyes. “That’s exactly the kind of crap that makes it tougher on the rest of us. That’s why everyone’s going to be yelling and screaming about witches the next time we go to Yarlee!”

  “Who gives a fuck what they yell and scream about?” Keri demanded. “We save women and girls who are being abused! As we were once saved! If they don’t like it…”

  “That man’s wife found you in their marital bed, with her husband, in the middle of the day!” Tiffany interjected. “So she picked up a log from the fire and tried to beat both of you!”

  “That’s right!” Keri agreed. “So I just left!”

  “And watched the house burn down, as I understand it, without bothering to help!” Irritably, the enchantress ran a hand back through her hair. “A simple spell, Keri, and their young son might not have been burned so badly.”

  “Well, you know what, Tiffany?” Keri’s voice dropped dangerously low. “At least I’m spreading the magic the way we’re supposed to. After being with me, that lunatic’s next child will be a daughter possessing innate magical ability. Then we can save her from that abusive father, just like we’re saving this girl tonight!”

  Glancing up, Tiffany briefly admired the bright, starlight Tethren sky. Stunning blue and gold ribbons were visible on the horizon, illuminated all night long by three low hanging moons. Fleetingly, she remembered another sorceress saying Tethra was one of the most beautiful dimensions in the universe. Tiffany now realized that she was right.

  After a moment, though, the veteran magician looked back down into Keri’s haughty face. “I’ve spread plenty of magic in my time. Too much, in fact.”

  “Yeah, they say you have a boyfriend.” The younger witch’s nose crinkled in distaste. “What are you, like retired or something? At 27?”

  “If I was retired, I wouldn’t be here now, making sure you don’t cause any more collateral damage.” Now Tiffany’s eyes narrowed, her body held very still. “Would I?”

  Keri glared at Tiffany, her earth stone pulsing angrily.

  “Um, guys…” Caylee hesitantly offered. “It’s getting late…”

  “You, Keri, will stay on the beach with Caylee. Otherwise, she might get lonely.” Now Tiffany allowed herself a small smile. “Hopefully, without burning down any houses, I will extract our girl and join you there. If there’s any trouble, as you say, we can all deal with it then. Are we clear?”

  Taking a deep breath, Keri looked away. “Crystal.”

  “Good.” Stepping back, Tiffany now touched her earth stone, which flared outward to encompass her entire body in green magic. When it faded, the tall brunette was wearing simple, formless village clothing. “I will see you ladies by the path from the village on the beach in about forty-five minutes.”

  Caylee frowned. “What’s a minute?”

  “It’s a measure of time on Earth.” Keri smirked. “Where Tiffany now lives with lover boy.”

  Wincing, she did a quick conversion to Haven time. “In fifty menlars. If you start now and walk well around the village, you’ll be there in time.”

  “Whatever.” Giving them a wiggle-fingered wave, Keri turned and stalked off.

  Hesitating, Caylee brushed a slim boot against a root. “Uh, Tiffany…”

  “Just stay close to Keri and you’ll be fine.” Patting the brand-new sorceress on the arm, Tiffany also turned away and began walking towards the village.

  Her first mission, the inter-dimensional operative thought as she picked her way down the tall hillside. This was a night Caylee would remember for the rest of her life, even if she did nothing more than hold horses on a beach. Tiffany’s spat with Keri was unfortunate, but hopefully wouldn’t spoil the experience comp
letely for her. If she was smart, in fact, Caylee might appreciate, from the start, the discipline now expected of a Haven sorceress.

  For they’d recently been reminded just how dangerous the universe could be. It was only two years ago that the Coven’s top operatives, including Tiffany, had gone on the offensive in their brief war with Lord Gensrow. After capturing four of their sisters and killing a fifth, it had been Tiffany who’d finally defeated the mad wizard.

  The Gensrow incident had shaken the Coven to it’s very core. Up until then, the Haven sorceresses had thought themselves the only potent, magical beings capable of inter-dimensional travel. They’d blithely crossed the misty Boundary between worlds, gallivanting about the universe with wild abandon. In so doing, they’d also unwittingly attracted the warlock’s attention, easily falling prey to his first few attacks.

  Gensrow appeared to be a bizarre, once-in-a-lifetime exception to the natural laws dictating female magical dominance. Still, far greater caution was now emphasized in the Coven’s field operations, which girls like Keri didn’t seem to appreciate. For should any new inter-dimensional threats suddenly appear, the witches wanted to have the initiative from the start.

  Now at the base of the steep hillside, Tiffany meandered through the thinning trees to the edge of town. A sleeping guard in the tiny gatehouse didn’t even notice as the disguised enchantress strolled past. Within moments Tiffany was walking down a pitted dirt lane past small log cabins, making her way towards the center of the village. Only a few men morosely stared at her from their front porches, empty liquor bottles laying idly nearby.

  Their target this night was a 9-year-old girl named Jenla, the daughter of the Town Prefect, living in a large manor off the main village square. Though the Tethren population generally lived in squalid misery, the local Prefects enjoyed sumptuous homes and many other luxuries.

  The Prefects, as direct representatives of the Queen, also had the right to marry up to ten wives. Often, if a Tethren family couldn’t pay the onerous taxes imposed by the Prefect himself, that luminary could then claim a daughter as his next bride.

  This particular Prefect was especially horrid, having thrown Jenla’s mother out a window two weeks before. With her mother dead, and Jenla herself now completely at the mercy of her unbalanced father, it was clearly time to whisk the magical young girl away.

  Unknown to either Keri or Caylee, the Coven Council had also privately instructed Tiffany to end the tyrant’s reign of terror for good. By no means an ideal replacement, it was hoped the Prefect’s oldest son would be an improvement over his horrible sire.

  Nearing the Prefect’s sprawling residence, Tiffany ducked behind a small shop off the town square. Touching her earth stone, she was encompassed once more in its soft, green glow. When it faded away, the sorceress was provocatively dressed in a tight, short skirt, with a low-cut, skimpy blouse. Her earth stone remained, now appearing as some exotic jewel on an otherwise cheap village woman. Strolling out across the town square itself, Tiffany’s midriff was fleetingly exposed with each long, swaying step.

  Clearly, this wasn’t Tiffany’s preferred style, but such tactics were very effective in gaining entry to otherwise restricted homes. Powerful men such as the Prefect almost always utilized women such as Tiffany now appeared, their staffs desensitized to their frequent appearance.

  Tonight proved no different. “And you are?” the first sentry pleasantly called out, looking Tiffany up and down as she approached the Prefect’s main gate on the far side of the square.

  Before answering, Tiffany walked off the edge of the village green, across the cobblestoned road, and up to the guard post itself. “Kitten,” she finally drawled, laying a hand on the second sentry’s chest. “The Prefect wants to see me.”

  “I’m sure he does.” Just out of his teens, the boy looked troubled. “But nobody told us you were expected tonight.”

  “Oh, I’m expected, baby.” Grinning, Tiffany stood back, arms held out from her body. “What do you think, boys? Do I look okay?”

  “You look stunning, ” the second sentry stammered. “It’s just that you’re not on the list…”

  “By the Queen, you idiot, how many of them are?” Irritably pushing open the gate, the first guard waved Tiffany through. “Go on, now. And don’t forget us lonely soldiers when you get a chance.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Tiffany purred, striding past them up the main path towards the home itself.

  A grand structure covering one entire side of the village square, the Prefect’s home was in almost absurd contrast to the poorer, much smaller houses surrounding it. As she approached the mansion, Tiffany noticed several guards patrolling the interior of the tall fence enclosing the grounds. That was interesting. Clearly, security was a bit more extensive than what she’d been led to expect.

  However, the two men at the grand front entrance didn’t question Tiffany at all, merely leading her into the house. Nearly shoving the presumed prostitute inside a sitting room off the interior entryway, the door was then shut, leaving Tiffany alone.

  Listening for a moment, the sorceress heard only a few faint voices from upstairs, along with the bored foot tapping of the guards back on post outside the front door. Obviously, the Prefect’s home was settled down for the night.

  Touching her earth stone, Tiffany dropped the prostitute’s garb. When the green fire faded, she was clothed in a jet black outfit, with black boots and black gloves, her hair pulled back in a ponytail. Tiffany’s earth stone now sat securely in a heavily-meshed pouch on her belt, glowing strongly.

  Casting another spell, Tiffany faded into virtual invisibility. This was a “soft” enchantment that wouldn’t last long, but should at least get her upstairs undetected.

  Or so Tiffany had hoped. Slipping back into the short hallway leading from the front door to the large first floor parlor, the sorceress was confronted by yet another guard. Amazed at the sight of the anteroom door seemingly opening and closing of its own accord, he slowly drew a sword, yelling for help.

  Lunging forward, Tiffany dropped him with a quick combination to the jaw and stomach, grabbing the sword as he fell. However, since the blade hadn’t been included in her original spell, she now burst into full visibility. With her camouflage gone and the home now fully alerted, the black-clad witch grimly stalked into the lavish living area.

  The floor space was cluttered with ornate couches, chairs, and side tables. Pausing, she waited for a second soldier to fully rush in from another part of the house, yelling out a challenge. Pure earth fire surged the length of Tiffany’s sword. Swinging the blade up, a bolt of energy blazed over the expensive furniture. Blasted fully in the chest, the guard flew back into a wall, crumpling down to the floor unconscious.

  At this point, the two guards on duty at the front door came rushing in behind her. Spinning about, Tiffany utilized a sweep spell to fling the shocked men back down the entryway and outside again. Then, using the sword to focus her energy, she turned the lock to molten green lead, fusing the front doors shut.

  This was all getting far more complicated that originally planned. Perhaps, the sorceress ruefully thought, Keri had been right about it being a two-person job. Magically leaping across the living area to land at the foot of the grand staircase, Tiffany raced upwards two stairs at a time.

  But there was yet another guard waiting on the second floor balcony. Reaching the top few stairs, Tiffany parried a nasty sword strike aimed at her head. Then, with a powerful leap, she bounded sideways over the railing, briefly out into space, and then over a second, higher railing, landing up on the balcony itself behind the guard. The surprised swordsman spun to face her, only to take Tiffany’s booted kick right to the chest. He went flying back down the stairs with a sickening rumble.

  However, a second upper level guard now appeared at the other end of the balcony. Aiming a short, powerful crossbow at her from twenty feet away, his finger tightened on the trigger.

  Instinctively, Tif
fany’s left hand slipped down to her earth stone, strong magic pulsing out into a personal shield. The crossbow bolt hit the translucent screen with a sharp clang, dropping to the wooden floor with a thud.

  By now Tiffany was out of patience. Causing the spent bolt to fly up into her grasp, she instantly pumped it full of earth fire. Dropping her shield, she then tossed the projectile back at the stunned crossbowman, who foolishly caught it. Exploding in his hand, the screaming guard was blown over the balcony, landing with a crunch down below.

  Though all the immediate threats had been eliminated, Tiffany knew reinforcements would soon arrive. Scooping up the dropped crossbow, she loaded another sizzling, augmented round. Then, jogging deeper into the house, the enchantress soon found the master bedroom at the end of a short hallway.

  The Prefect’s door was heavy oak, secured with a stout lock. The flaming crossbow bolt blasted it open, green cinders streaking about the hallway. Striding through the now-jagged portal, Tiffany slammed another round home in the crossbow.

  Groggily sitting up in bed, the elderly Prefect stared drunkenly at the black-clad witch standing in his bedroom. Two stunned women, one barely out of her teens, had leapt from the huge mattress to either side. They both glanced apprehensively at Tiffany’s crossbow.

  The sorceress nodded back at the door. “Get out,” she instructed the two women. “Take the other wives and just leave.”

  “But…” the older of the two began.

  “Go!” Tiffany urged. Both women ran from the room, crying.

  “Who are you?” Sitting up, the tipsy Prefect tried to recapture his dignity. “I’ll have your whole family hung for this!”

  “No, you won’t.” Impassively, she pointed the weapon at him. “From the Coven.” Pulling the trigger once more, the bolt buried itself deep into the Prefect’s chest. He dropped back down onto the sheets, instantly dead. Letting the crossbow fall to the floor, she exited the room.